A one-day intensive including posing clinics and an in-depth judging seminar, all led by World Natural Bodybuilding Federation President, Nancy Andrews.
The Fitness Asylum (HUDSON) 90 Cherry Street, Hudson, MA
Nancy Andrews, President of the WNBF, and 4x World Champion, brings her abundance of knowledge and experience, as well as a team of expert Pros to this one-day competitor camp to help experienced and aspiring athletes.
90 minutes
10:15a - 11:45a
If you wish to attend ONLY the Figure/FitBody/Bodybuilding posing clinic, please visit Nancy Andrew's site for details and information to sign-up. If you wish to ONLY attend the two-hour posing seminar, please visit Nancy Andrew's site for details and information to sign-up.
President of the WNBF, Nancy has promoted shows since 1995. Nancy is a four-time WNBF PRO World Champion. She is currently the promoter for SpringMania, Northeast Classic, and Monster Mash.